Carriageable Tile Brown Tuff

The Carriageable Tile Tuff is ideal for creating driveway surfaces, picnic areas and squares


The tile Tufo Etruscan is ideal for creating driveway surfaces, picnic areas and squares. The natural color of the tuff allows to fit into any environment Resistance is her great talent, as borne out by ancient creations still in their full glory.

Medium Carriageable Tuff Tile cm 37x25x11 - Pallet of 63 pcs

€ 95.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku PT02
title Medium Carriageable Tuff Tile
color Light brown
unit price €95.00
weight 1.000,00 Kg
dimensions cm 37x25x11 - Pallet of 63 pcs
square meters 6 m2
cubic meters 1
best for Ideal for flooring and Picnic Areas and Squares
buying min. 3
you pay only €249.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 63 Pezzi

Little Carriageable Tuff Tile cm 25x25x11 - Pallet of 90 pcs

€ 130.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku PT03
title Little Carriageable Tuff Tile
color Light brown
unit price €130.00
weight 1.000,00 Kg
dimensions cm 25x25x11 - Pallet of 90 pcs
square meters 6 m2
cubic meters 1
best for Ideal for flooring and Picnic Areas and Squares
buying min. 3
you pay only €330.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 90 Pezzi
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