Ghiaia Spaccata white Pink

WHITE-PINK SPLIT GRAVEL is a rare gravel of excellent quality. Available with a grain size of 20/30 mm is ideal for decorating your planters but also your avenues. You can also create driveways by compacting it. The SPLIT GRAVEL WHITE-PINK will embellish your exterior! Available in 20 kg bag


WHITE-PINK SPLIT GRAVEL is a rare gravel of excellent quality. Available with a grain size of 20/30 mm is ideal for decorating your planters but also your avenues. You can also create driveways by compacting it. The SPLIT GRAVEL WHITE-PINK will embellish your exterior! Available in 20 kg bag

WHITE-PINK SPLIT GRAVEL Pallet 27 Bags kg 20

€ 165.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku GHIA09
color rose white
unit price €165.00
weight 550,00 Kg
dimensions Pallet 27 Bags kg 20
square meters 11 m2
best for Ideal for Finishing gardens
buying min. 1
you pay only €145.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 27 sacchi

GRAVEL Split 20-30 mm Pallet 50 Bags kg 20

€ 240.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku GHIA10
title GRAVEL Split 20-30 mm
color rose white
unit price €240.00
weight 1.000,00 Kg
dimensions Pallet 50 Bags kg 20
square meters 20 m2
best for Ideal for Finishing gardens
buying min. 1
you pay only €215.00
buying min. 2
you pay only €410.00
buying min. 3
you pay only €585.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 50 sacchi
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