Pink Split Gravel

PINK SPLIT GRAVEL is a rare gravel of excellent quality. Available with a grain size of 20/30 mm is ideal for decorating your planters but also your avenues. You can also create driveways by compacting it. The SPLIT PINK GRAVEL will beautify your exterior! Available in 20 kg bag


Pink Split Gravel Pallet 27 Bags kg 20

€ 165.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku GHIA7
title Pink Split Gravel
color Pink
unit price €165.00
weight 550,00 Kg
dimensions Pallet 27 Bags kg 20
square meters 11 m2
best for Ideal for Finishing gardens
buying min. 1
you pay only €145.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 27 sacchi

Pink Split Gravel 20-30 mm Pallet 50 Sac kg 20

€ 240.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku GHIA8
title Pink Split Gravel 20-30 mm
color Pink
unit price €240.00
weight 1.000,00 Kg
dimensions Pallet 50 Sac kg 20
square meters 20 m2
cubic meters 1
best for Ideal for Finishing gardens
buying min. 1
you pay only €215.00
buying min. 2
you pay only €410.00
buying min. 3
you pay only €585.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 50 sacchi
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