Trani Rocks Stone

Direct sale of Trani Stone, stones to decorate the garden


Direct sale of Trani Stone, stones to decorate the garden

Trani Rocks Stone Basket of 150 kg

€ 75.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku PIG1
title Trani Rocks Stone
color rose white
unit price €75.00
weight 150,00 Kg
dimensions Basket of 150 kg
best for decorative garden
buying min. 1
you pay only €65.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 150 KG

Trani Rocks Stone Basket of 300 kg

€ 105.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku PIG2
title Trani Rocks Stone
color rose white
unit price €105.00
weight 300,00 Kg
dimensions Basket of 300 kg
best for decorative garden
buying min. 1
you pay only €90.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 300 KG

Trani Rocks Stone Basket of 550 kg

€ 155.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku PIG3
title Trani Rocks Stone
color rose white
unit price €155.00
weight 550,00 Kg
dimensions Basket of 550 kg
best for decorative garden
buying min. 1
you pay only €135.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 550 KG

Trani Rocks Stone Basket of 1000 kg

€ 240.00 Excluding TAX

product details
sku PIG4
title Trani Rocks Stone
color rose white
unit price €240.00
weight 1.000,00 Kg
dimensions Basket of 1000 kg
best for decorative garden
buying min. 1
you pay only €205.00
buying min. 2
you pay only €400.00
buying min. 3
you pay only €585.00
All prices are expluding TAX
Choose the quantity
Pallets of 1000 KG
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